
Intergalactic Cockroach

Official Website https://icc.vision/

Staking https://explore.icc.vision/farms | https://explore.icc.vision/pools

Discord https://discord.gg/bJrWycyxpa

Twitter https://twitter.com/icc_vision

White Paper https://intergalactic-cockroach.gitbook.io/white-paper/

Game https://play.icc.vision Mint NFT https://mint.icc.vision

What is the Intergalactic Cockroach?

The Intergalactic Cockroach is a community-driven de-centralized eco-system that has successfully acquired the trust and love of Its many members in the last few months. When you buy into Intergalactic Cockroach, you do not 'blind bet' on a new project, but a new member-only club, in a strong, growing, and well-established community with huge technology advantages & use cases behind it.

Last updated